News Articles
Pet Waste Removal Notice
Posted on Mar 1st, 2021
Over the past few weeks, the association has received several complaints regarding the lack of care with the removal of pet waste. Please be advised that this act is a violation of the Association deed restrictions.
Section 10 of the Declaration of Restrictions states:
“…All pets shall be confined to the Lot of the Owner except when on a leash controlled by a responsible person. Owners shall immediately clean up after their pets on all streets, Common Areas and Lots owned by others.”
As outlined in Section 8.10.020 of the City of Olathe:
“(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to appear with an animal upon the public ways, within public places or upon the property of another, absent that person’s consent, without some means for removal of excrement.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to remove any excrement deposited by his animal upon any public or private property, other than the property of the owner of the animal. This section shall not apply a blind person while walking his or her work dog.”
With respect to your fellow neighbors and community members, we ask that you please help with this matter by properly cleaning up after your pet. Your assistance will be appreciated by everyone that lives in or visits Bridlewood Downs.
For those of you that take the time to clean up after your pets, we greatly appreciate your efforts in keeping our community clean.
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